NFPA 54 (2024) will be available Starting November 17, 2023.
You can order your copy by going to PERC www.propane.com and looking under the RESOURCE TAB or sending an email to: ddonahue@southeastpropane.org
In the email, list the number of copies and the shipping location.
Stay current with the ever-evolving safety criteria for the liquefied petroleum (LP) gas industry.
NFPA 58, Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, provides the requirements for safeguarding all LP-Gas (propane) installations in homes, businesses, and industrial settings. Important updates to the 2024 edition help designers, health and safety managers, authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs), and insurance professionals prepare for the challenges of modern LP-Gas hazards.
Major changes include:
- Addition of a new Chapter 16 to cover the installation of LP-Gas systems on food trucks and include material on piping system construction, container installation, and appliance installation
- Revisions to the installation of horizontal containers requirements to more clearly cover the different types of installations of different sizes of horizontal containers based on the container support
- Requirements for purging of LP-Gas systems into and out of service added to the operations and maintenance chapter as facilities need to have proper procedures and plans when purging LP-Gas systems at facilities
- Revisions to the application section of the code to clarify that containers, piping, and associated equipment that supply manufacturing, plant oil extraction, or liquid fuel blending are under the scope of NFPA 58, while the manufacturing, plant oil extraction, or liquid fuel blending processes themselves are outside the scope
- Consolidation of requirements for emergency remote shutdown devices into Chapter 4 so that all the requirements for the devices are uniform when an emergency remote shutdown device is required